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Merger Acquisition

We help you create Merger and Acquisition as one of growth strategy!

Investment and Corporate banking solutions to corporates and MSME shall always be our strong domain. We shall play to our strengths in investment banking and create merger and acquisition opportunity from value creation for MSMEs.

Team Lotus shall provide all subject matter expertise and technology pre-requisites to improve valuation of organisation offering financial rewards and well-being to business owners and employees.


Having served clients from multiple verticals and established strong relations, we maintain enough network resources to ensure we create Acquisition opportunities for investors and businesses across industries and segments.

Team Lotus is adequately equipped to identify market opportunities and trends resulting in market consolidation leading to acquisition and mergers, governed by various markets forces and regulatory requirements including federal laws and regulations, which constrain small companies out of existence or sustainability.


Definition: Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to effect a sale of a business.

Team Lotus has adequate experience in corporate valuations based on most common used financial techniques and tools.

Further we also assist in creating value for organisation to improve valuation of the corporates open to mergers and acquisition.

To conclude, we offer professional services in developing:

  • Corporate & Acquisition strategy
  • Deal proposition – how and why it will help business and acquiring company
  • Due Diligence
  • Integration Planning
  • Integration Execution

Who We Are

Lotus is one of the leading management consulting entities based at Dubai, Middle East. The company assists SMEs to consolidate, stabilize and grow their business...

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Our Team

Lotus is formed by a core team of professionals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Our commitment to help businesses…

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